Here is the paraphrased text: Here are the top ten reasons why retirement might not be what it’s cracked up to be: The television legend … David Letterman says that ‘retirement is a myth’ — believes the ‘human mechanism’ won’t let you quit. So are US boomers really working into their 60s, 70s because they can’t afford to retire?Read more
cost of living
Posted incost of living / expenses / insurance / medical and healthcare costs / retirement
‘I’m here until I die’: Rich older Americans are paying millions just to get into luxury retirement campuses — monthly costs can then exceed $10K and health care plans can reach $7M
Today’s retirees are no longer content to idle at home and play bridge, or languish in limited-income nursing care facilities as their age progresses. Instead, … ‘I’m here until I die’: Rich older Americans are paying millions just to get into luxury retirement campuses — monthly costs can then exceed $10K and health care plans can reach $7MRead more