Two groundbreaking new research studies recently disclosed the vital elements contained within a 4.3-ounce sample of asteroid Bennu. The OSIRIS-REx mission brought the returned sample … An Asteroid Sample Just Changed What We Know About Life in Our Solar SystemRead more
Posted inbiology / biotechnology / engineering / robotics / technology
Swarms of ant-like robots work together to lift objects 2,000 times their weight
Introducing the revolutionary ‘microrobot’ that’s poised to revolutionize the way we dispense medicine in the future. Imagine surgeons being able to send out thousands of … Swarms of ant-like robots work together to lift objects 2,000 times their weightRead more
Posted inanimals / biology / children / fetuses / life sciences
They Were Made Without Eggs or Sperm. Are They Human?
The embryo had a yolk sac and a like-structure-called-protoplacenta, which simulates a state a real human embryo reaches about two weeks into development. It even … They Were Made Without Eggs or Sperm. Are They Human?Read more