Blue Cross Blue Shield is planning to send payments to approximately 6 million people, more than two years after the company agreed to a $2.67 … Blue Cross Blue Shield settlement checks will be disbursed soonRead more
What Happens When You Take Zinc and Magnesium Together?
Verified by Jonathan Purtell, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist These two important minerals, zinc and magnesium, play key roles in maintaining a healthy immune system, supporting cell … What Happens When You Take Zinc and Magnesium Together?Read more
Wanting to try red light therapy? Here are expert-approved picks for aging skin
. You won’t have to set up an expensive dermatology appointment. If you’ve been wondering about LED light therapy devices, particularly red light products, we … Wanting to try red light therapy? Here are expert-approved picks for aging skinRead more
How to know if you have ‘wine face’, ‘cheese face’ or ‘sugar face’– and how to fix it
The festive treats that shimmer in their little glasses. We still have some time to go, though. “If it was just a day or two, … How to know if you have ‘wine face’, ‘cheese face’ or ‘sugar face’– and how to fix itRead more
Cracked Piece of Metal Self-Healed in Experiment That Stunned Scientists
Something that’s not supposed to happen has occurred. Researchers have witnessed a metal repairing itself through a scientific experiment. If this phenomenon can be thoroughly … Cracked Piece of Metal Self-Healed in Experiment That Stunned ScientistsRead more
These Are The Best Type Of Nuts For Snacking, Depending On Your Health Goals
We’re all familiar with mid-meal snacks like chips and candy bars that aren’t exactly nutritious, but a better option could be nuts and seeds, which … These Are The Best Type Of Nuts For Snacking, Depending On Your Health GoalsRead more
ADHD is highly treatable—a primary care nurse practitioner with ADHD explains the science
My mental plate is overcrowded with way too many active lines of thought. I’m having trouble finishing tasks, is something am I doing wrong? What’s … ADHD is highly treatable—a primary care nurse practitioner with ADHD explains the scienceRead more