Student loan payments are set to resume, but many eligible borrowers can still take advantage of forgiveness options that won’t be affected by the upcoming … Student Loan Forgiveness Opportunities Still AvailableRead more
Posted ingovernment / public policy / social security / social welfare / welfare
Biden signs Social Security bill that enhances benefits for millions
President Biden has signed a law to increase Social Security benefits for millions of retired Americans, including firefighters, police officers, and teachers on Sunday. People … Biden signs Social Security bill that enhances benefits for millionsRead more
Posted indenmark / government / greenland / politics / politics and government
As Trump eyes Greenland, Danish king makes it bigger on his coat of arms
Denmark’s king has unveiled a new royal crest that prominently displays Greenland, just as President-elect Donald Trump is once again suggesting the US purchase the … As Trump eyes Greenland, Danish king makes it bigger on his coat of armsRead more